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Re: [LUG] Lost setup


On 20/06/2020 10:02, Neil wrote:
On 20/06/2020 09:52, mark@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

(I did send this yesterday, but it seems to have got lost in the ether)

It might be worth just checking for a loose cable - I've had that before, causing intermittent problems on boot.

Massively frustrating for something so simple...


Kind regards,

*Mark Smith*
juglugs.com <https://juglugs.com>

PGP fingerprint: FE57 FF27 C090 186C BFDE EF8B 9502 6421 F69F 0742

Yes, I did see that. However, since I can see all my files on the SSD if I log on via a live USB, it seemed unlikely. If there is a loose cable, then I would never be able to see the SSD, isn't that the case?


Yes, it's unlikely, but that exactly what I had - I think the action of me inserting the USB made the connection, but when I took it out again it'd fail again.

Sherlock Holmes said, rule out the impossible options, then one of the other options, however improbable, is the truth..


Kind regards,

Mark Smith

PGP fingerprint: FE57 FF27 C090 186C BFDE EF8B 9502 6421 F69F 0742

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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