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Re: [LUG] Raspberry Pi Ventilator


Interesting news this morning: in FT

"Ventilator standards set out for UK makers ‘of no use’ to Covid patients"

     The minimum specification for the UK’s homegrown hospital ventilator programme 
will not produce machines suitable for treating coronavirus patients, the head of 
the largest organisation for critical care medical professionals has said.

    Alison Pittard, the dean of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, the 
professional body for intensive care practitioners, said the government’s request 
for ventilators that would — at a minimum — stabilise patients “for a few hours” was 
not in line with what was requested by medical experts last month.

I think engineers  / programmers can work miracles but not if the payors, the users 
and the developers are speaking three different languages. 

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