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Re: [LUG] Email Rubbish


On Fri, 22 Mar 2019 08:08:23 +0000
Neil <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Neil,

>up a white list. My only worry is that, sometimes, one or two emails 
>finish up in my junk folder, when they don't belong there. At the

I get the same, but it is rare here(1).  Part of the trick is to tell
SpamAssassin (or bogofilter, or whatever else you're using) what are
good messages.  So, mark the false positives as good.  Slowly, the
filtering improves.

>moment I find them by checking in that folder before deleting. If I go
>the way of deleting them at source, I will never know.

The filtering your ISP uses is undoubtedly a good deal more
sophisticated than any you can provide yourself.  In all my years, I
don't think anything has been deleted server-side that shouldn't have
been.  For any emails that were non-delivered, it always turned out
the sender had mistyped my email address or somesuch.  Of course, the ISP
has no control over any filters _you_ set up server-side, so be very
careful there - especially when it comes to blacklisting addresses using
wild cards and/or RegExps(2).

(1)  Mostly from companies I have had dealings with that make heavy use
of HTML in mails, address me as 'Dear Customer' or similar.  All these
are, for me at least, quite spammy.

(2)  I heard a story once, probably apocryphal, of an ISP blocking email
from the whole of Europe because they were careless with a filter.

 Regards  _
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