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[LUG] Rsync won't do incremental backups


Hi All,

A while ago I was successfully using Rsync for incremental backups using the command:

rsync -aAXv --delete /home* /media/julian/ATHENA/MINT_HOME

for example.

That worked perfectly for months only backing up files that had changed, as it's supposed to. Then the hard disk I was using as a backup destination died and I had to replace it. Ever since, using /exactly/ the same Rsync options it has refused point blank to do incremental backups, consequently wasting hours. I read today that 'Rsync does incremental backups by default' - not in my experience it doesn't.. I wish it did! Anyway I tried using the options avh as advised on:


Which says that after the first backup '... rsync will go off and find only the files that have changed, and copy those over.' No it does /not/ and I have run out of patience.

Could someone please advise a method to do an incremental backup that /works/?

Kind regards,


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