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Re: [LUG] how to fix read only USB key?


On 06/06/15 11:20, jay bennie wrote:
> type df to check nothing magic happened and the usb should not be mounted. 
> go back to cfdisk or fdisk /dev/sdXY
> create 1 partition the full size of the disk
> write it 
> reboot (keep disk in machine) 

Reboots are for the weak...

sudo sync
sudo eject /dev/sdXY
re-plug it
keep calm and carry on following the otherwise excellent instructions

You have almost definitely uncovered a flaw in a poor quality USB drive
though - I would simply throw it away unless it's an expensive or
unusually high capacity drive still in warranty. You're just going to
keep having problems with it I suspect. Is it by any chance a cheap
class C silicon edge-of-the-wafer bit of NAND flash in a Chinese plastic
case? There's a reason why those 256Gb USB3 sticks on Ebay only cost


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