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Re: [LUG] Unnecessary Questions


On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 11:21:08 +0000
Martijn Grooten <martijn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 12:06:42PM +0100, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> > Yes, I understand that. However just setting up an email account is
> > not age restricted, is it?
> It is. Here are the age requirements for Google accounts (and thus for
> Gmail):
> https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1350409?hl=en
> This may sound silly, but when you sign up for an email account, you
> enter into an agreement with the email provider.
> > And anyway, you can put in any sensible date of birth, true or
> > false. How can anyone tell?
> Obviously no one can. IANAL, but I suspect it is done because without
> it, the website is breaking the law by providing a service to an
> underaged person, whereas now it is the child (and thus perhaps their
> parents) who is breaking the law.
> Martijn.

Well, live and learn. When I am asked for a date of birth in situations
where I feel it is not necessary I often put in a false one. But that
is not because I am under-age (LOL) but because I feel that it is none
of their business and is not really needed anyway. So am I breaking the
law? Obviously if I feel that the reason for the question is valid I
put in the real data.


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