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Re: [LUG] website - why aren't we using the perfectly good domain we own?


A quick read of this thread suggests the following thing should happen.

The old website, which contains old content that hasn't been migrated could be renmaed to old.dcglug.org.uk. This means the old content can still be available without expending the effort to migrate it.

This requires the following actions:
 - Create DNS for old.dcglug.org.uk (I've just done this)
- Update the web server where the old content is located to accept old.dcglug.org.uk as a server name

Then, we can repoint www.dcglug.org/www.dclug.org.uk to the new site

This requires
- Update the web server where the new content is located to accept the server names of www.dcglug.org/www.dclug.org.uk/dclug.org.uk/dcglug.org.uk - Update the DNS for those records to point to the IP of the new server (I can do this when required)

Include a link on the new site back to old.dcglug.org.uk for access to the old content.


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