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Re: [LUG] Security - HTTPS


On 08/04/14 14:47, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> I have had a look around Google but have finished up more confused. Can
> anyone point me in the right direction please? Is this something that I
> can sort out for myself of must I ask my service provider? Can it be
> set up per folder or only for the whole site? Lots of questions, any
> help gratefully received.

For maximum compatibility you can only have one SSL certificate per IP
address. There is a name-based SSL certificate selection standard, but
some older clients (such as IE6 on Windows XP IIRC) don't support it.

The domain name using HTTPS must be covered by the SSL certificate. It
can be a single-domain certificate (e.g. www.example.com) or a wildcard
certificate ( *.example.com).

The certificate covers the whole domain (or several, for wild-card
certs), not just a folder. Aside from a few extra config options in the
apache config to enable HTTPS and set the certificate, everything is the
same as for a normal HTTP based website.

If the web server is solely for your use you can use a self-signed
certificate with name-based lookup. However, if you use a hosting
provider then they may not give you that option. Hosting companies will
typically charge extra for HTTPS hosting, and require a "proper"
certificate. They will then give you a dedicated IP address to go with
the certificate. There are lots of places you can buy certificates,
probably including your hosting company.

Author of C++ Concurrency in Action     http://www.stdthread.co.uk/book/
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Just Software Solutions Ltd       http://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk
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