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[LUG] Oddball memory strips


Hi All, 

I am in the process of doing up an old Dell PC,

which runs Win XP, has two USB 1.0 ports and 2 x 256 MB of 

The USB side of things is sorted, I fitted a USB 2.0 
card, which works fine. 

The real problem is 
the memory. The two memory strips fitted 
are industry-
standard 133 x 32 mm, but have their pinout 
differently to most chips. These have 2 x 46 ways on 
side, giving 184 ways total. Also their pins are closer 

together than the industry standard, giving a wider gaps 
the two connector areas. There are two nicks in the 
PCB, so that
the strip cannot be inserted the wrong way 
round. Sorry about the 
clumsy description, but my scan of 
the device was rejected on the
grounds of being over the 
limit for an email. 

So does anyone have any suitable 
memory strips, preferably >256MB ?
Cash waiting for 
suitable devices. 

Regards etc,
Ray Knowles. 

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