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Re: [LUG] Microsoft die die die


On 20/07/13 18:51, bad apple wrote:
On 20/07/13 18:31, tom wrote:
http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20130703150037537 gives some
interesting insights into the latest attacks on software by the usual
Tom te tom te tom

Yeah, I read that too - more of the usual crap from the staggeringly
ironically named "FairSearch" tossers...

I challenge anyone to manage even a perfunctory glance at their homepage
(http://www.fairsearch.org/) without a hefty dose of alternating
hysterical laughter and stunned disbelief.

Boo hoo, poor Microsoft. Cry me a river!


Oooh there's a report abuse link on the Fairsearch site, maybe I can report them, especially Microsoft for trying to push Bing on to users of Windows and Windows Phone. I doubt mobile carriers are allowed to change the Microsoft defaults, but they can change the search engine on Android (or as that Chinese competitor to Google did, forked Android and put in their own search and app store) :-)

Right, I'm going to scrub myself with bleach now... having looked at the Windows Phone marketplace (luckily not having to touch my daughters Windows Phone*) I feel dirty.


* Actually to be fair, my daughter's old Windows Phone wasn't THAT bad for the money, the hardware was pretty good too, it just didn't have as many of the free apps that kids want. She's now got a Galaxy S3 Mini and she gets all the annoying apps she can think of (also stops them from filling my phone up with apps).

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