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Re: [LUG] OT surveillance


Some rambling observations:

Protecting our freedoms and rights by taking them away is nonsensical.
Millions of people have given their lives for our rights and freedoms
and because a few bombs go off on our soil (terrorism) we are giving
them away. That isn't disinterestedness that's cowardice!

Now I'm retired and can't get about much I've had time to watch the
media both at home and abroad, It's very conspicuous how little coverage
there has been about  the implications of the revelations. Plenty about
Snowden himself but virtually nothing else. I know there has been a D
notice sent to the but it's only a request. Has the press/media no
backbone or is there force being applied behind the scenes? Either way
one of the few protections we the people have against government and
other forms of power appears to have been gagged. 

I'm sure that at the bottom of all this surveillance is the fear of
governments that something is about to happen in the not to distant
future. The world economy is falling through the floor and the middle
class (as well as the poor) coffers are running dry.

The present level of surveillance was never about terrorism.
Surveillance has never been about the affairs of other countries or
external threats. Most surveillance is and always was used by
governments to spy on enemies of governments not enemies of the people.
Alas the greatest enemy of any governing body is the people it governs.
As someone once said all democracies are one weeks starvation away from


ps the Guardian had a map of all the fibre cable in/outs in the UK. The
are many more than just Bude. After all we are the axis of in and out
traffic between the US and Europe.

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