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Re: [LUG] font rendering done right


On 07/06/13 09:16, Eion MacDonald wrote:

On 06/06/2013 21:53, Simon Waters wrote:
and who prints web pages?
Often. I search many foreign and EU bank sites to ensure I know how they
work payment systems/methods/inherent delays/government forms I agree to
use for the company I consult to  in setting up bank guarantees and
stage payments for engineering works. As web sites change and a record
of data must be kept I print out hard copy and print out PDF of relevant
page in both original language and in English versions. This just one
trivial but important print out when you get to court some 3 to 5 years
later over payment problems.
PS I always sign and date the hard copy print out to ensure it is
contemporaneous record'.
The trouble is, while you may think it carries some weight, all of that is so easily forgeable as to be worthless. I've been forging PDF since it was postscript.
Tom te tom te tom

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