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Re: [LUG] file transfer via router


On 07/08/12 19:27, Rob Beard wrote:
> I'd say that's a pretty slow method as it uploads it to the net and
> downloads it again (not to mention it might use up any bandwith limits
> you might have).
> I'd suggest looking at setting up a shared folder (can't remember what
> distro you're using, is it KDE based?).
Yes, I am running Mint KDE and the laptop is running Xubuntu.

> I can't remember exactly how to do it on KDE, but you should find an
> option for Windows/Samba file sharing.  When you have enabled it and
> shared a folder you can then from the other machine access the samba
> share (under Gnome you can usually find the machines under network), I
> think under older versions of KDE you could put in
> smb://machinename/sharedfolder/ in the address bar.
> Personally myself I use SSHFS.  This means I have to install SSH on my
> server (but I SSH into it anyway so it's installed).  I can then from
> Gnome connect to an SSH share by selecting the Connect to Server option
> and then selecting the service type as SSH and entering the details
> (host name, remote username, remote password, optionally port and folder
> name which you could put as / to access everything from the root
> directory upwards or maybe /home/username to access the files in the
> users folder).
> Rob
Thanks, but that all seems rather complicated, and I have never used
Samba. Something new to learn. I haven't used Windows for about 14
years. And I have never used Gnome.


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