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Re: [LUG] Video chat


On Tue, 21 Feb 2012, Neil Winchurst wrote:

My wife's niece lives in California. My wife's sister, who lives in
England, uses some form of video chat to talk to her daughter in
California, and I get asked why we can't do the same.

I have been doing some research and I have come across Skype, Ekiga and
Empathy, so I am now getting a bit lost with it all. Has Linux reached
the stage where this will all work quite easily? Is it worth the hassle?
Does anyone have any recommendations please, and can I be pointed in the
right direction? (By the way, said niece uses a Apple computer.)

If it turns out to be too complicated/expensive or not yet ready for
general use then I will know to turn a deaf ear to the comments at home!

Skype "just works" - at least if it just works under Debian stable, then it ought to work just as well under anything else.

Forget trying to use the bloated piece of buggy crap that is Ekiga, or any other standards based video chat (ie. SIP based) as you'll just get shafted by NAT.

Stick to Skype. I gave-up trying to use SIP for Video and have more or less given up trying to sell it as a voice solution too. (Except when businesses will actually (shock, horror) pay for a decent internet connection)

Skype won.


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