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Re: [LUG] Parallel printer - to USB


On 27/11/11 19:10, Julian Hall wrote:
>  On 27/11/2011 18:53, Gordon Henderson wrote:
>> Also - do have a look at the back of your printer... I think you might
>> find a USB socket anyway - it seems to suggest it in the online manual
>> from Epson...
>> Gordon
> http://www.ciao.co.uk/Productinformation/Epson_Stylus_Photo_810__5297762
> Says parallel and USB here :)
> Manual here http://www.nodevice.com/user_manual/download_846.html -
> shows where USB port is :)
> Julian
I have Googled for info about my printer and it does indeed say that it
has a parallel socket and a USB socket. I never knew that. My excuse is
that the printer arrived, new, with just one cable, for the parallel
socket, so I just assumed that was it.

I have had a look at the rear of the printer but I cannot find the
socket. At least, there seems to be an extra one but it does not look
like a USB socket. I am assuming that it should look like a USB one, but
perhaps that is wrong. More research.



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