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Re: [LUG] Computer science books I no longer need


On 10/11/11 22:00, Edwin Rhodes wrote:
> Hi john, I am always interested in computer books old or not.
> Ed
> On 10/11/2011 21:51, "John Horne" <john.horne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 18:03 +0000, Kai Hendry wrote:
>>> I honestly tried to give these books to the Bodmin library, but they
>>> said they are short staffed.
>>> So instead of burning these books on the fire, would anyone like to
>>> collect them from me in PL30 4HZ before Monday afternoon?
>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/hendry/6332530156
>>> Or perhaps suggest I place I could them off myself nearby?
>> Hi,
>> I recently took a bunch of forestry books to the local charity shop
>> (Woodside shop in Yelverton). They said they were always on the look out
>> for 'specialist' books. So you could try a local charity shop.
>> I too have several old computing books that I no longer need, and I
>> could do with the space! I'll get round to emailing this list what's
>> available some time soon hopefully.
>> John.
>> -- 
>> John Horne, Plymouth University, UK
>> Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287    Fax: +44 (0)1752 587001
>> -- 
>> The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
>> http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list
>> FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq
If you are coming over the the shoreline there is a small book shelf
there for book swaps, as this is our regular meet venue, perhaps drop
some off there (via others if need be) and lug members can swap.

this is where we need our own venue,  like the linuxcaffe in toronto, 
they had loads of books / magazines etc for people to read through while
at the cafe.

as well as laptops with Linux on of course and free wifi if you bought




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