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Re: [LUG] Video chat


Gordon Henderson wrote:

Ekiga works (or is supposed to work) with other SIP compatible
videophones. I've made it work with Grandstream GXV3000's.

You may have an issue with CODECs though - e.g. H264 is not free, so
very probably not bundled in with Ekiga, while it will be in most
commercial desk videophones. You ought to be OK with H.263 or H.263+

Conferencing is a big issue - something, somewhere needs to mix the
video signals to produce picture-in-picture so everyone can see everyone
else - that needs a lot of bandwidth and processing power to do it in
real-time. (If you do need to do this, let me know, as I have a customer
who specialises in it, but typically you don't get change out of 10's
grand, and need a 10Mb leased line)

(And don't confuse 'conferencing' with er, 'conferencing' - ie. multiple
people each with their own videophone vs. 2 board rooms with one
videophone each, a continent apart - the latter is easy, if expensive in
that a nice 42" screen plus Polycom unit is 10 grand, it's the former
that's hard!)

And the issue - which I whinged about earlier and Simons just mentioned
is the geekery required to make SIP work endpoint to endpoint. There are
free hosted PBX services out there, (including https://www.ekiga.net/ )
or I can sell you a service or you can roll your own, but (much as I
hate to say this), it might be easier to just use Skype.

It is all starting to sound very complicated. I don't think I will bother, thanks


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