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Re: [LUG] OT: Skype on Debian Squeeze


On Thu, 5 May 2011, Simon Waters wrote:

Naively installed it on my Dad's PC thinking it would be easiest.


Now, if you want open sourced, standards based stuff, then, much as I dislike it, Ekiga does seem to work OK for video calls. The down-side is of-course the codecs, but there are ways to get H264 going with it... But H263 is OK most of the time when you give it enough bandwidth. The video calls I make (we have a small family 'network' using Ekiga and Grandstream video phones) seem to run at about 200Kb/sec each way..

It's never easy though.

The video phone solution was much better than trying to get various family members with combinations of old PCs, Macs, Linux boxes, etc. all into a common format.... (Until one decides to change their ISP to an el-cheapo bundled product one when it all goes pear-shaped)


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