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Re: [LUG] Yet again Torbay Council show their true beurocratic colours


On Sat, 23 Oct 2010, Henry Bremridge wrote:

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:58:59AM +0100, Paul Sutton wrote:

I will ask around,  i guess we simply need somewhere that has tea /
coffee, soft drinks and perhaps sells cakes and simple food,

there are several cafes around paignton,  if they have wifi its a bonus
but don't bank on this.

The Buckfast end of the Totnes - Buckfast railway. No wifi but good food
and good surroundings

And free parking - easy to get to by bus from Plymouth & Exeter (X38), or train to Totnes then steam train to Buckfastleigh...

I'm going to ask them about Wi-Fi... There is a network there, but not sure about how open they have it...


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