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Re: [LUG] OT rockets!


On Thu, 29 Oct 2009, Paul Sutton wrote:

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tom wrote:
With the mention of the the DCLUG meeting on the 7th that has to finish
before the fireworks I hope you don't mind me mentioning there's a North
Devon Rocket Club meet on 15th near Barnstaple:

Hm. Intersting...

Not really computing but sort a geeky...
Tom te tom te tom

Do they have any need for a program that can calculate what happens when
you use x amount of fuel, taking in to account rocket weight etc,  it
sounds the sort of program that a linux user would write to help them if
they were in to model rockets etc.

Of course it would run on linux and be free software :)

A lot of them seem to put up microcontrollers to do stuff, measure things. Most that I looke into a while back were solid fuel rockets though - not much to measure..

Maybe someone could offer to do them a better website - that's so 90's...


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