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Re: [LUG] OpenSource, Devon County Council


On Mon, 2008-12-22 at 18:10 +0000, Charlie BT wrote:

> but any course
> work has to be submitted in a format that adjudicators can decipher, what is 
> really needed is
> a Linux Based Curriculum course!

My Wife took a short Open University course recently and they now bundle
the Windows version of OpenOffice on a CD and accept submissions in
'StarOffice' format, by which, IIRC they mean .sxw files.

I thought this was rather a good sign of the changing times. I would
hope that others, like exam boards, will go the same way and support
open formats.


Ps. Hi, I'm new. I intended to mostly lurk but I couldn't resist
commenting, I just hope noone else said exactly the same thing just last
week ;-)

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