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Re: [LUG] no ads please


On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 17:15 +0000, Dave Berkeley wrote:
> > It might be worth following the policy we have at london.pm - an
> > announce only jobs list, and a seperate jobs-discuss list (private,
> > unarchived, members only) which jobs are forwarded to.

A Wiki page is probably best - with a simple link posted to the list
without details. Pages (or sections of pages) on the wiki can be
permanently deleted without the hassle involved in removing pages from
the WWW archive because rarely does an entire thread need to be removed.
There is plenty of room on the Wiki for commercial information and links
to company sites etc.

> > Also I'd be interested in a devon/cornwall jobs/freelance list anyway
> > - although I'm contracted until october, it's always nice to see
> > what's about and I get more than enough job/freelance posts to the
> > lists I'm on that could be relevent.
> The problem with job lists is that they quickly get swamped by agencies.


>  I 
> can't see a problem with individuals posting occasional mentions of jobs on 
> this list though. "Reply off list" seems to handle most of the issues.
> I disagree with the moderator on this one. 

Umm, I'm not a moderator - I responded to a question off-list about a
very similar situation and tried to cover all the bases. When someone
else posted an overt ad, I simply asked that such posts be carefully

The other aspect is the permanent WWW archive which, again, can lead to
problems of disparagement, libel and other nasties. Yes, those can
happen with Microsoft or SCO but things get a lot more pointed (and much
more likely to spark a flamewar and trolling) when at least one of the
participants has their own job on the line.

> I think that the legal issues 
> mentioned above are more to do with discussing what happens at a particular 
> company, rather than the details of a particular post. That is a hazard with 
> any discussion, and has nothing to do with job ads specifically.

We discuss particular companies all the time - the difference with a job
ad situation is that the discussion can have contractual implications
that simply do not apply when discussing companies with which none of
the participants have an employer/employee relationship.


Neil Williams

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