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Re: [LUG] Evolution email and the grey messages


Neil Williams wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 18:17 +0000, Simon Robert wrote:
>> Sorry the above is a diversion as the problem is evolution. Successfully 
>> moved all data from eudora, but then the first time I download mail some 
>> messages show the address, header, details but the message section is 
>> just blank and grey.
> Evolution is protecting the system from rogue graphics and malware HTML.
> Use Ctrl-I if you *really* trust the sender.
>> It doesn't seem to be html or graphics as these show, or place markers 
>> for the graphics do.
> That means that the message concerned is almost entirely graphics and
>>  Anyone know what this is and how to cure it? A 
>> typical grey message is Delia's Newsletter (that's Delia Smith and the 
>> recipes are worth checking out, even if a bit too much effort to 
>> actually cook).
> Complain to Delia that she should send a plain text version in the same
> email for those who value their security.
> The problem is that once loaded, the images are retained until the
> message is deleted.
OK, it wasn't what I thought it was. Thanks. As to complaining to Delia, 
I feel that the recipes would loose something by not having images....
Simon Robert

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