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Re: [LUG] ADSL broken


Paul Sutton wrote:
> Hi
> my adsl is down, so if people don't hear from me then thats why. I am
> about to try 2x new filters to see if that is the cause,  it just went off
> on friday morning which is the odd thing about it.
> anyway good meeting friday night,
> I seem to be getting both the lnk and act lights flashing, all the time,
> which does seem odd,  if I am connected properly then the lnk light is on
> and the act is usually flashing quite quickly (indicating there is
> activity)
> i tried what was suggested, but to no avail, (thats if I did it right)
> Neigher XP or Linux can connect which almost rules of software issues.
> I also tried an old connexant usb adsl modem,  in winxp,  that also has a
> light for link,  which was on,  the software also indicated there was soem
> sort of connection,  but there was no downlink activity,
> I also booted a ubuntu disk,  which seems to fair better with the
> connexant, however while support is there, it suggests following a link to
> an external website to get help getting such modems working,  which given
> i can't get online is a catch 22 for me at least.
> anyway will sign off,  hopefully will be back on line this week sometime,
> any other suggestions welcome.
> Paul

Did you like in Marhamchurch (Bude) have a lightning strike. Is has 
caused havoc in M'church knocking out modems,routers and all manner of 
digiboxes etc.


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