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Re: [LUG] Why are there so few women in our LUG - does this indicate there are few female Linux users ?


Thanks for everyone for replying to this - especially Stinga and
Clare :-) - sorry for any contraversy my question caused.

In short (and sorry if I am also generalising) the consensus seem to be
that it is the fact that people (male and female) are not good with
change concerning their PC's unless they have a particular interest in
IT, they have no choice and / or one of us is standing over them with a
lump hammer saying "use this". Also, they will continue using what they
are familiar with, even if it causes them lots of problems.

Therefore, (I am being a bit flippant here) I conclude, that we need a
Linux distro called something like "Free Windows" or, in fact, how about
"Windows 2008". It can run on Debian, be a Ubuntu or Mandriva or any
other variant - it doesn't matter. The important thing, is that the user
interface and software provided is almost identical to Windows XP / MS
Office / Outlook. In fact, you would barely be able to tell the

This could be the first step recommended to any Windows user who we have
persuaded to try Linux. What they would then get is all the benefits of
using Linux without any of the disadvantages of having to learn new

In the most recent LXF, there was an article about Windows addicts. This
Windows Linux could work like methadone / nicotine patches as a first
step to curing them !

On a more serious note, I have emailed Becta about educating schools on
the subject of open source software and also about getting more women
into IT. I will let you know if there are any positive developments.



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