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Re: [LUG] OT: apparently linux depends on windows and piracy. yar!


On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 21:43 +0000, Michael Mortimore wrote:
> A page of interesting things said by Jerry Lee Cooper (whoever that is)
> http://rixstep.com/1/1/20070724,00.shtml
> from the page:
> "Are you saying that this linux can run on a computer without windows
> underneath it, at all ? As in, without a boot disk, without any
> drivers, and without any services ?
> That sounds preposterous to me."

This is a load of laughs.

I quote from a page entitled
The Rat of Cat of Dog of Bride of Son of JerryLeeCooper

This is a load of laughs.

In this environment of lawless anarchy, it is no surprise to find that
the Linux is right at home, and growing - in the same way that a wurm
grows fat and gluttonous when placed in a dark and damp environment full
of refuse and the despondent cast off's of a wealthy society.

I am not alone in my beliefs that even in this dreadful situation, the
Linux represents a growing market for the softwares. Microsoft has tried
for years to offer their superior office suites and internet products to
markets outside of the Vista, with little success.

And yet, this is a difficult exersize. Linux represents the old school,
with its mainframe like interface, and arcane secret programming
languages. Porting the softwares to this platform involves hiring the
hippies who understand this obtuse environment. These people are
typically unreliable, and have difficulty living wth the regular 9-5
work ethic. They believe in intellectual property theft, free love,
substance abuse, and marxism.

Microsoft has solved these issues in one brilliant sweep by paying cash
for access to these Linux secrets, by making these cross patent deals
with the linux 'Vendors'. This will allow for the interoperability that
the corporations so dearly wish for - the ability to run the Microsoft
Office, and the IE7, as well as the Vista on top of this growing but
amorphous mass known as 'The Linux'.

In a short time we will all soon see the benefits of these cross
licencing deals, and the softwares will expand out their user bases and
be seen everywhere. Even the most die hard linux afficionado with matted
hair and a red armband will salivate at the prospect of being able to
run the IE7 on his precious linux.
james kilty

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