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[LUG] USB stick distros/images


Finally got a USB stick big enough for more than just an installer.

Anyone recommend a bootable USB image, that is suitable for rescuing
systems? Or other cool stuff to do with it.

Up till now the Ubuntu LiveCDs have been my recovery tool of choice,
although I have also got the GNU parted live CD and a few other similar
tools around.

I'm thinking good support for server hardware (something that can rescue
my own home desktop if needed would be cool) - support for lots of
filesystems (even weird stuff like NTFS!) - support for typical server
software configs (LVM, Mirroring etc).

I know there are some Debian images around, and I can install my own,
and build a custom kernel - but I bet someone has already done a better
job than I can do.

Or should I just admit CDs are better and put some rescue CDs in the
glove box of the car like a true geek ;)


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