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Re: [LUG] NHS Healthspace - Firefox users need not apply


On 19 Dec 2007, at 07:53, Dave Berkeley wrote:

> Just another example of inept Government IT projects.
> https://www.healthspace.nhs.uk/cbintroduction.aspx
> You can't book an NHS appointment online unless you are running IE.
> There should be a collection of these sites somewhere. A rogue's  
> gallery.
> Dave Berkeley

Firefox connected on my Mac, is it at the booking stage it fails? If  
so I agree with you entirely. However, maybe the recent losses of  
data will make the government rethink spending our money on yet  
another lousy Windows oriented database, i.e. the identity one. Who  
now is going to trust any government with more data than you  
absolutely have to.

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