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Re: [LUG] Photography: Gimp classes


Steve Smith wrote:
> Mark Jose wrote:
>> Small snag for me  - I am in mid Cornwall. But if someone fancies setting 
>> something up down here, I am interested
> Oh, that's a shame!  We could do Paignton, but I don't think further 
> than that's really feasible.  That said, I've been doing a lot of 
> reading lately into constructionist learning and Seymour Papert.  I'd be 
> up for trying to do an online course, OU style.  You could meet with 
> other 'students' down your way.  Oo, what about video conferencing?  
> Might work, I'm always up for trying to do things a different way.
> For now, put your hand up if you'd be able to get to Exeter for an 
> evening class :)

I'd come to hear from someone better at it than I.

_Products_ would include:-

1.  Lessons, for a fee;

2.  Teaching teachers - a set of lesson materials and a seminar on 
teaching with the gimp.  This does need an educationalist involved if we 
are serious about it, as we should be;

3.  A CD containing the gimp and gimpshop for several operating systems, 
possibly an installation of any GNU/Linux distribution aimed at this and 
general use, and with the course notes and examples on it.

There are some images at and below
http://osborne.defoam.net/public/images/camera/ that I'd throw the 
originals of in as test subjects, but one needs a wide variety and 
including both good pictures and pictures with definite flaws of 
composition, exposure and things like sensor malfunction and dust (I've 
got some of the former and one can fix them with the gimp).

There are several other useful programs for things such as panoramas and 
extended dynamic range, and there are programs such as Picasa which are 
intended to run and (I'm told) Canon DPP which can be persuaded to run 
under Wine.  DPP is important since it is part of the camera kit for 
Canons from the big EOS DSLRs to the little Ixus'.

I would be willing to pay for a few classes myself, I'm willing to put 
up a float of say £200 toward getting started (in the hope but not firm 
expectation that it does make a business and I get that back), and I'm 
willing to contribute some time if it is useful.

I do think it has to be a twin-pronged effort, with input from the 
photographic side not just the nerd side, and it seems a useful activity 
to me.

Adrian Midgley

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