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Re: [LUG] how to install - technical question


On 3/2/07, Peter Lloyd-Jones <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi
> I am running Ubuntu also (on my Lappy).  I have a question about packages and
> package management.
> Am I right in thinking  there is a file somewhere which contains all the
> details.  On top of that sits dpkg, on that apt, on that aptitude and in
> Ubuntu's case on top of that Add/Remove.

I think most of the dpkg database lives around /var/lib/dpkg/*

Apt keeps track of its own information has it has some higher level
stuff to manage but aptitude etc are just GUIs to drive apt. Or i'm
horribly missinformed (again).

> Further though I have not done this, when downloading something which is not
> in any of "my" Repositories into any other area than my own home directory I
> should use something like alien as this also updates the said file.  (How I
> do this in the case of Suns Java I dont know?, it just sort of put itself
> into  usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_10/)

Since sun java is now gpl there are packages in the debian
repositories, not sure about ubuntu yet but worth a look.

Robin Cornelius

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