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Re: [LUG] Microsoft + Novell = MicroVell


> > I program in .NET and the Novell Mono work is fantastic.
> Then you, and developers like you, are going to have to be particularly
> careful. Every single time you look at code from another project that
> may help you in yours, your first question must always be "which
> licence?". Whether your code is ready for distribution or not - if
> there is the slightest chance that someone else will learn from or
> incorporate your code into their project, you have a LEGAL obligation
> now to be ultra careful in the provenance of your own code. Yes, legal:
> if infringing code is traced back to you, any infringement could become
> your problem, at the very least requiring a rewrite of the code to omit
> the disputed section.
> I'm quite sure you cannot personally afford to defend against such
> claims made by a pit of MS vipers (sorry, lawyers) in a US court.
They cant touch me for it. I'm not breaking the law here! And if it gets to 
the stage where I am breaking the law we're all doomed anyway! Doomed I tell 
you. Oh and (L)GPL2+ by the way.
One reason I'm quite keen on  .NET stuff is I think this will actually be m$ 
downfall - when I went to a m$ .NET seminar and they gloated about how they 
too were doing open standards etc etc I remember thinking  they still didn't 
get it but thanks for the standards..
> > The real tragedy of it is they managed to amass a collection of superb
> > developers, create a really good distribution and that will all go to
> > waste.
> Not completely true.
> 1. A lot of SuSE-specialists are in opensuse.
> 2. Migration of developers into Novell does not preclude their
> migration back later.
> 3. Free software developers are pre-disposed to be intolerant of
> restrictions and have reduced (not absent) susceptibility to financial
> penalties / lockins.
> 4. Even if ex-SuSE developers don't go back to opensuse, the other free
> distributions will be glad of their assistance.
> 5. A lot of former SuSE releases are GPL themselves - these are safe.
> Microsoft and Novell will have to tread carefully to retain these
> developers and the right to use the SuSE codebase.
Its not easy for anyone to leave a job - especially people like the mono team 
who have so much invested in the stuff - and finding someone who can take on 
a team is quite difficult. 
If I win the lottery...but you have to buy a ticket first.
Tom te tom te tom

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