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[LUG] Force permissions?


Hello everyone.

I've been doing this with samba options for a while, but now that more 
people are logging directly into the server and/or using Linux it has 
become more of an issue.

Quite simply, I've got a shared directory which everyone can use and 
write to. Through my research on this some time ago I found that I can 
set an 'inherit group' attrib by using SetGID on the dirs.

Out of interest, what does setUID on a dir do? I've done some tests, but 
haven't noticed any difference.

Anyway, if a user sets their umask to 002, it seems that all files 
become group writable, no matter what the permissions of the parent dir 
are. This isn't really desirable.

So, what I'm looking for is some way of forcing the permissions of files 
created in the shared dir to be group writable.

What is the conventional way of handling group write-ability for shared 
dirs? They can't seriously expect people to manually chmod all created 

I'm surprised google hasn't been very helpful on this one. Maybe I'm 
thinking about this all wrong.

Thanks in advance

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