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Re: [LUG] SiS 7012 Sound Controller


On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 11:09:45 +0000
Chris Brown <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The controller gets detected OK and the modules get loaded (see below 
for part of my lsmod listing) but nothing seems to work. I've tried 
alsconf, YaST, fiddling with volume settings and passing the io & irq to 
the intel8x0 module from modprobe.conf but the sound system remains 
obstinately silent.

Ok, have you tried dropping to a low(er) run-level (I would just drop down to 
run-level 1); removing all the modules associated with sound; modprobing just the 
single module you think you need (passing any parameters you need, like io and irq); 
then brining it back to your preferred run-level (RL 5, perhaps)?

Anybody come across anything like this before.

Never had this before, I'm afraid.  The only time something like this has happened 
to me it turned out that I actually hadn't plugged in the speakers, but since sound 
is working in XP I'm guessing this isn't the cause of your problem :D

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