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[LUG] yes Todays meet

Devon & Cornwall Linux Users' Group
To: <lug-list at area51.termisoc.org>
Subject: [LUG] User group promotion
From: "lonehacker" <lonehacker at hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 16:44:12 -0000
Reply-To: lug-list at area51.termisoc.org
Sender: owner-lug-list at area51.termisoc.org
It's good to see a user group for the south west. As a new member of the
group I would like to wish everyone best of luck with the group and hope we
can expand.
...........OK Thanks, so do I...........I may not be able to attend meetings
for a while though having been diagnosed as schizopherenic eailer this year
I`m taking it slowly to getting social again.............

On the subject of expansion. I would like to put a flyer in Paignton library
let other users know about the group, I have a draft on paper, basically it
just has the following

Internet mailing list for users of the Linux operating system in the Devon
and Cornwall area.
.......Sounds like a good idea........

I have also included the web page http://lug.termisoc.org/
and details on how to subscribe i.e send a mail to majordomo at
If it is ok with the organisers/other members of the group I would like to
submit it for display in the library, It's in colour and basic but gets the
message across.

I would be grateful if you would please let me know if this is ok.
.........Thats OK by me......

In the meantime I use Red Hat 6.1 so and will try to help other users in
anyway I can. I am not an expert though.
............me neither..........
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from other local linux
mailto:lonehacker at hotma

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