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Re: [LUG] EU Vote June 12th - who to vote for

On Thursday 20 May 2004 00:32, Keith Abraham wrote:
For what it's worth I mailed 5 of the Southwest's EMPs
expressing my concern about the forthcoming vote and the
only one who replied was Glyn Ford (Labour).
Even this was merely to inform me that the Constituency
Office had forwarded my email to Glyn Ford's Brussels office
and to thank me for writing to him "on this important issue".

Oh by the way my poling card says June 10th! not june 12! My mistake in the 
first place.

I have had a similar level of response from the MEP's. I have received two 
replies to my snail mail letters. A "We are in the middle of an election 
campain  so we will take longer to answer queries" from one and a reply 
stating the consertivate MP's work as a team with each representing a 
different part of the SW and my letter has been forwared to the approprate 
MEP (I had alreay written to them anyway).

On a plus point my MP has been the most help so far, with a personal response 
and a note saying that I raise intresting points and can see my concerns and 
they have written to the Minister responsible and will contact me with a 

May be we should all concentrate more on our MP's they seem concerned and 
helpful. As for the MEP's "In the middle of an election campain" what 
campain? As it has been noted here we are having trouble even finding out 
what their policies are!


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