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Re: [LUG] The Joy of Linux!

Mike Chidley wrote:
> get `apt for rpm`.....does exactly the same as apt for debian but for
> Redhat/Fedora.

My experience of these, limited as it is, is that RPM's don' hack it.

Debian apt works that well as a lot of careful packaging goes on to make
it so.

But then I'll take hints on what I'm doing wrong....

For starters how is one suppose to do Redhat gibc updates? I've got the
errata files, but rpm is not keen on installing them.


PS: I'm particularly grumpy today. Found another smelly bit of Kmail,
it's handling of transports stinks, bizarrely this is something every
other mail client has never even thought was needed, let alone to do it
in such a broken fashion.

PPS: sendmail upgrade forced upon me.... what exactly is submit.cf, and
what can I do to tell it to behave just like i did before the upgrade
(just take the bloody message and stick it in the queue file, or feed it
via SMTP on port 25, just don't bug me with yet another meaningless
config file to do something that use to be simple).

I'm assuming it is a very complicated way of doing what most (decent)
MTA's do by overwriting /usr/lib/sendmail ? ;-)

LESS IS MORE (although less has more options ;-)

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