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Re: [LUG] '4 areas where LINUX still FAILS compared to other operating systems'


On Wed, 9 Feb 2022 at 17:51, Tom via list <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The number of 5/10/15m videos I've seen that can be replaced more
usefully by a couple of paragraphs is really quite astounding.

Anything with a headline like this, especially presented as a list, is only ever going to be low quality content designed to get money from the platform.

I'm not sure promoting it here was one of Julian's best posts...

Youtube has a lot of great content - I've learned a lot about car maintenance and electronics from it - but this is not that. 

Your point about a couple of paragraphs is a good and accurate one, but text is transient on today's internet. Where would you post your useful paragraph where it would be genuinely useful for others? Forget any social media, anything older than a day is de-promoted. Forums are few, far, and often suppressed by search engines. Blogs sometimes do well but they require a huge amount of work to stay current and scoring well. 

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