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Re: [LUG] OT: Accessing files on an android phone with broken screen


On 30/09/2021 21:49, comrade meowski wrote:
> I recover a lot of phones professionally so run into this a lot. The
> first thing I do with all phones I build for clients is unlock the
> bootloader, enable adb and enroll my main PC's adb keys on it. Of course
> this can't help you now, you either did it or you didn't.

Ignoramus asks.
Knowledge needed by me to understand this and if I buy a smartphone to
use it.

I "think" I understand 'unlock the bootloader' [Making the phone able to
be booted from other than itself?]

What is 'adb'?
I guess from DuckDuckGo at "Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile
command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. "

What would my  "Computer's  'adb keys' " be?

Please educate the unknowing. (in simple language) Thanks in advance
Reading the android tools pages  which responded to my search made me
feel very ignorant.

Eion MacDonald

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