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Re: [LUG] Appy stuff


Dear Gordon,

> What Ho, good south westerners!

Greetings, good Scotsman!

> A friend in Cornwall has contracted someone to write an app. (apple +
> android) to do "stuff" and they have concerns about the time its
> taking and complexity - seems trivial to me - it involves geolocation
> to the street level inside a big town for information display - but
> I'm not an app.  developer, so what do I know...

My understanding is that finding the current location is indeed trivial,
but that converting that longitude/latitude pair to an address is
somewhat more tricky; most use the Google Maps API to bypass the
challenge, it seems.

Clearly some applications will be easier to develop in some platforms
than others, but I do know of some cross-platform frameworks that are
frequently used.

Google has Flutter, which has a number of features intended to make the
development process easier (also included is a feature to make the
development process less private - Dart includes tracking in the
*compiler*!) Flutter programs are written in Dart and use the native
graphics elements on iOS/Android.

The Microsoft framework is called Xamarin; it again uses the platforms'
native widgets but with the more conservative choice of C# as the
programming language.

Most applications now run on the web, I believe, but there's a nifty
project called Apache Cordova that creates mobile applications from web
ones. It is a little like Electron but for Android and iOS - indeed, you
can use Cordova to create an Electron application if you desire an extra
layer of abstraction! Optionally, React Native allows you to create
native graphical interfaces whilst still using Javascript.

I thought that these might be interesting avenues of research for some
of those reading this! I myself am curious to know which, if any, of
these frameworks your friend's application is being developed with.

Best wishes,


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