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Re: [LUG] Scammer's Attitude


On Tue, 15 Jun 2021 14:30:54 +0100
Neil <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Today my wife was using her laptop and somehow picked up a scammer.
> This individual surprised me by being so aggressive. I always expect
> scammers to be more into trying to get you to believe their rubbish
> by being quiet and persuasive. But not this one.
> He had a very commanding tone and started on about a problem with her 
> Windows computer. (Yes, she uses Linux, like me). He was going on
> about there being a problem, and he demanded that she provide some 
> information, such as her bank details.
> He did indeed say that if she did not comply he would have no option
> but to shut down her computer "for her own safety". And, as I said,
> this was not a quiet request, it was in effect an order.
> Luckily as Linux users we knew it was rubbish. She could not get rid
> of him  however, so I had to sort it for her.
> I am pleased that we are Linux users, so that is always a help, but I 
> have never heard a scammer who was so plain bossy before. Perhaps
> this is some new approach.
> As a final note, it is ages since we had that kind of intrusion on
> our computing. We were beginning to feel quite neglected.
> Anyone on the list finding an increase recently in this scam rubbish?
> Neil

I followed the instructions of one just to see what he would tell me to
do. I didn't do them, just listened and from what I remember it
involved pressing the Windows button on your keyboard (if you have
one). I don't have one either, so I couldn't have completed his request
anyway. I then informed him that I had not done any of his requests and
he told me that when I was born a thousand demons died.
Eventually I befriended him. He told me his name was Charlie.....

(sent using CLAWS mail)

All the best, as always, Jon Davey

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