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Re: [LUG] Only two weeks to stop your medical records being available


On Mon, 07 Jun 2021 12:57:38 +0100
Peter Walker <peter.walker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Good idea. As I understand it, opt out 2 controls how your
> information is used when it is within the NHS system. Opt out 1 tells
> your GP not to upload your practice notes to the NHS system. If you
> have not returned opt out 1 by the end of the month then when the big
> data slurp happens your data will be uploaded.
> Cheers
> Pete

As I understand it (which is not at all), the opt-out only applies to
subsequent data being harvested: everything that is already a part of
your medical record is excluded from the opt-out:

        "(you can opt out after 23 June, but NHS Digital holds on to
        whatever data it has obtained, and still makes it available to
        third parties)."


I'm not sure that there is much advantage to the opt-out: it seems that
telling your GP everything is like enabling scripts and cookies in your
browser.  Don't do it if you can get away with it, and only do it if you

I think that opting-out is a false sense of security.  Do we even have
any confidence that our 'Do Not Track' requests will be respected?  

As ever, it's down to being diligent and trying to minimise risk, not
eliminate it.


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