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Re: [LUG] New Printer part three


On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 22:12:52 +0000
Julian Hall <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Julian,

>Or possibly a European plug, HP being an American company may [wrongly] 
>assume the UK has the same electrical standard as Europe, and as you
>say be too dumb to check.

HP know better (my HP printers have all had UK spec 13A plugs).
*However*, it's entirely possible that they've cut back on that, and fit
only Mainland Europe(0) plugs to their mains cables nowadays(1).  That
said, there is a legal requirement that anything mains powered sold in
the UK must have all the necessary gear to allow that to happen without
the customer having to resort to cable cutters or supplying their own
adaptor.  That is to say, there should at least have been an adaptor
included.  In UK law, the purchaser has redress against the vendor,
because that's who their contract is with.  If the vendor then wishes to
get redress from HP, good luck to 'em.  In short, the vendor should have
ensured that either a) a UK plug was fitted, or b) a suitable adaptor
was provided.

Of course, if the cable Neil was talking about isn't a mains cable, then
all the above becomes moot.

(0) Or worse, a USA spec one.
(1) It's been some five or more years since I bought my printer.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I guess I shouldn't have strangled her to death
Ugly - The Stranglers

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