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Re: [LUG] New Printer part three


On 26/10/2020 15:30, Neil wrote:
On 26/10/2020 13:44, Grant Phillips-Sewell wrote:

According to HP's specs sheet for the Envy 6032 is does have USB but it makes no mention of a USB cable on the "what's in the box" section.

Find the USB port and there shouldn't be any need to mess around with the Android app.

Grant. :)

Too late now. I have set it up using a smart phone.

That port at the back of the printer is not like any I have seen before. And there is no cable included in the box.

Well yes, there is a second cable included, but not USB. I have not worked out what it is for. One end is like the end that is plugged into the power port at the back of the printer. The other end is a two pin plug. No  idea.

At least, when I checked on my laptop the printer was already there and waiting in the print setting folder.


USB Port on your printer (It looks like a USB Type B, so you would probably need a USB2 Type B to Type A cable.

Giles Coochey
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