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Re: [LUG] Problems with debian testing - cannot boot. ii


On 26/10/2020 19:22, Henry Bremridge wrote:

Running sysrescue from usb

I can see all files, (I have a separate partition for home)

Unless you're very familiar with working on chrooted systems to repair them you'll be better off initially returning to letting the system (fail to) boot under it's own power again. When you reach the emergency shell give it the root password to login and commence information gathering.

Having a look at the output of:

systemctl --failed
journalctl -p err -b

Will be helpful.

The obvious conclusion is that something other than the inadvertent Fn+Del sequence has caused this so cast your mind back over the previous session before this happened. Did your run any system updates or change any settings?

Somewhere a systemd unit file is failing to start up during boot and it's significant enough that it's stopping the system reaching it's default target. The output of the above two commands should be sufficient to figure out what. Post it here if you can't figure it out.

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