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Re: [LUG] Problems with debian testing - cannot boot


On 26/10/2020 17:54, Henry Bremridge wrote:
I am running debian testing and was trying a bluetooth keyboard and pressed Fn-Delete

Somehow that closed down the system, rebooted (in recovery mode) and ended with the following status

Reloading system manager confirmation
Starting default target
You are in emergency mode. After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or "exit" to boot into default mode
Give root password for maintenance
(or press Control-D to continue)

I cannot go further.

Just reboot and let the system boot up as normal.

Presumably your keyboard sends an unexpected control sequence for Fn+Del so you probably want to remap that (or just avoid it in the future).

If the system will only boot to the same state choose the previous kernel from the grub menu and try that.

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