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Re: [LUG] New Printer part three


Dear Neil,

> As you say, not so simple. The printer came today. It has a power cable, and
> another cable which has one end for plugging into a power point. The other
> end has a two pin plug. I can't find anywhere to plug it in.
> The printer is an HP envy 6032. It seems that it connects by wifi only.

I'm using this user manual for reference:

Page 3 has an illustration of the back of the printer. The two-pronged
plug should go into the socket labeled '1' in the manual, and the other
socket is a USB-B socket.

If you wanted to connect just to *one* PC, you would buy a cable that
plugs into the USB-B on the printer on one end, and the typical USB-A
port on your PC on the other end.

However, I do believe you said you needed Wifi - since you don't have a
smartphone I'll assume that is for printing from other desktop/laptop
computers. For this, I would suggest that the 'Push Button
Configuration' method on page 26 seems like the easiest way that doesn't
require an HP app. In summary:

1: Connect the printer to the power and turn it on.

2: Press and hold the Wifi button and the power button (at the same
time) on the back of the printer until the printer's light pulses

3: Press the button labeled 'WPS' on your router - most have such a
button. After this the printer should be connected to your local
network, via the router.

4: Add the printer in MX Linux using the method you described. It should
appear as a network printer. You should do this for each PC that
you intend to print from, but make sure that both the printer and that
PC are both on and connected to the same router!

I hope this works for you.

Best wishes, Sebastian
Freenode: 'seabass'

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