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Re: [LUG] A new printer, Part two


On 21/10/2020 17:20, maceion@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
On 21/10/2020 16:17, Neil wrote:
I have been very grateful for all suggestions and ideas about replacing
my printer. I have since had a good trawl through the internet. I had
not realised just how much things have changed. After all I have not
thought about getting a new printer for eight years.

Reading up about setting up a new printer, for example, I was surprised
to find that, apparently, to get your wifi working on the printer, you
need a smart phone with the relevant app installed. Really? Honest??

Well, what do you do if, like me, you do not have a  smart phone? I am
starting to realise that I am falling a long way behind some parts of
modern life.

Not really expecting any answers. Just letting off steam. More to think



I expect any printer to last at least  8 (eight) years.  However I only
do B&W and on a laser or rather a LED printer.

Perhaps (?)

Re set up of Wifi printer.
Will it need a 'smartphone' or a "working smartphone with a phone number".
Will it after set up work from your computer?

But any old Android smartphone (without SIM) .
Method 1 try without SIM.
Method 1 try with SIM (burner. no contract [ or Lebara £5  SIM] )
Put no contacts on it except a single mobile phone number

Just for irony, how about checking the company website and using /their own number/ as the burner phone's only contact? ;)


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― Thomas Henry Huxley

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