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Re: [LUG] A new printer, Part two


On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 16:17:36 +0100
Neil <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Neil,

>to find that, apparently, to get your wifi working on the printer, you 
>need a smart phone with the relevant app installed. Really? Honest??

It's all about getting as much info on you as possible.  To sell.
Sooner or later, much of this surveillance (IOW, SPYING) will be made
illegal.  Most likely because some politician gets caught with his
pants down - literally.

Ever seen posts online saying;

"I don't think it's appropriate for the Labour Party to have adverts
on their web site for sex toys".

Well, those ads appear because of all that spying - the adverts are
targetted to the viewer.  Says far more about aforementioned viewer than
it ever does about the Labour Party.

However, to your point about needing a smart phone just to set up a
printer.  Tell the company you aren't buying one of their devices for
that very reason.  The more people that do so, the more likely it is
that the practice will stop because of revenue loss.  But they have to
*know* they're losing revenue, otherwise it's pointless.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
It couldn't adapt so it couldn't survive
The Great British Mistake - The Adverts

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