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Re: [LUG] really off topic totally blind electronic musician looking for programmer to help Improve accessibility of music software.


Hi Trey,

no need to apologize your message was clearly labeled as off topic, and is 
offering potentially suitable work, that is find for the DCGLUG list.

Looking quickly it looks like it requires:

Willingness to become intimately familiar with Reaper, and SWS.

Osara itself is seeing a small amount of development, there was a Mac 
installer fix committed two days ago. The discussion on one of your issues on 
the github issue tracker already gathering expert contributions.

They try and support Windows as well, so any developer will probably want 
Windows as well, to get changes tested and thus merged upstream.

There is an active accessibility discussion forum for Reaper at 

SWS itself is C++, MIT Licensed, the Mac build is CMake the the integration to 
Reaper on Mac appear to use Python in places. The suggestion seems to be some 
of the issues stem from failures in SWS to implement features that would be 
useful for accessibility, so probably C++ programming on Mac is the big skill 
ask. The SWS code base is relatively small for C++ programs, but looks like 
Reaper might require some learning.

Skills wise it doesn't look like the programming work is difficult, going to be 
more a case of domain knowledge and tooling I suspect. I know Python, and Mac, 
but don't have a Mac anymore, and don't know C++ well enough to just take on 
small tasks. Hope that encourages someone with the right tools.

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