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Re: [LUG] Old Laptop


On Fri, 7 Feb 2020 22:51:30 +0000
mr meowski <mr.meowski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello mr,

>Is it fair to say that your anti-Firefox stance is at least partially
>an anti-Mozilla stance rather than specific technical issues? You're

Definitely fair to say, yes.  Although there were/are a fair few design
decisions within Ff that I had to overcome by installing more and more
extensions, thereby increasing load time.  Then, when XUL use ended,
nearly all of the extensions I use stopped working, leaving me with an Ff
UI I simply can't stand to use.  Plus, I don't like their numbering
policy - up in the 70s now.  It's just a pointless pissing contest with
the competition.  Yes, I know how irrational that might well sound.

>That being said you are technically wrong (in the strict sense) about 
>one thing, and that's the status of the old XUL extensions. They were 
>broken, unmaintainable and a gigantic unfixable security hole and had

Although I did ignore the problems with XUL, I didn't intend to convey
the idea that problems don't exist.  Clearly, I failed there.

You may be aware that the Pale Moon(1) browser has continued with XUL.
The Pale Moon team have, however, taken steps to overcome the
shortcomings.  I've not followed progress too closely, but suspect that
it's a work in progress.  Well, let's be honest - security is an ongoing

>Flash is a more thorny issue and whilst I have a lot of sympathy for 

You'll get no argument from me there.   :-)

Despite even Adobe wanting flash to run away and die, they did succumb to
pressure and restart patching and updating the Linux version.  To be fair
that was, IIRC, before HTML5 gained traction.  In any event, at the time
there was clearly a need for it.

As things stand, there are only a couple of web sites that I visit that
require flash.  Neither require large amounts of keyboard work, so I
could just as easily use the TV to watch them.

>is the lack of hardware accelerated video playback. Please Mozilla it's 
>2020, fix it. Currently I have to keep a hacked about Chrome fork* (oh 
>god the shame) just for watching youtube cat videos without horrific 

That's not an issue I've come across, TBH.  I stopped watching youtube
vids on my computer when I got a smart TV.  Also, because my computer is
quite old, watching too many videos (of any type) on the computer ends
up seriously fragmenting memory, resulting in me having to reboot more
often that I'd like because it (the computer) has to start using /swap
to get large enough chunks of storage. Obviously, that's slooooow.

Probably time to think about a new machine.  But nothing else causes
problems, so I'm not keen on the idea.  Cost/Benefit ratio still slewed
the wrong way.

(1) Forked from Firefox, but no longer really resembling it.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
What do you call that noise, that you put on?
This Is Pop - XTC

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